Sunday, May 7, 2017


Strawberry Pancake๐Ÿ“

Strawberry pancake is an easy pancake recipe with few ingredients like strawberry,maida,honey and strawberries spreads.Light and fluffy Strawberries pancakes seems like desserts. Serve with strawberry spread or with butter I am sure kids surely love strawberry pancakes.

Try some other pancake recipes:Chocolate Pancake

Preparation Time:5 Minutes

Cooking Time:10 Minutes

Total Time:20 Minutes



1 tsp baking soda

Butter as required

1 small bowl maida

1/2 bowl strawberry spread

1 tbsp honey

Sugar as per taste

Milk as required


In a bowl,add maida,sugar,baking soda,1 tbsp strawberry spread,honey and milk.Mix all the ingredients well so that no lumps are formed.

Heat a pan,add butter and grease the pan.Pour one ladelful of batter spread consistency should be a thick pancake.Cook on a low flame for 1-2 minutes when bubbles appear on the upper surface flip the pancake pour little butter/oil around pancakes. Cook from the other side for few second Pancake should be light golden brown from both side.

For making strawberry pancakes take one pancake in a plate spread the strawberry spread over one side of pancake cover the strawberry spread with another pancake.

Do this step with another pancakes.

Strawberry Pancake is ready.


The batter should not be runny or thick.It should be of medium consistency.

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