Monday, March 27, 2017


Strawberry Milkshake 🍸

Strawberry milkshake prepared with this recipe is simply heaven because it uses bare minimum ingredients like fresh strawberries,milk and ice cream🍦 to bring out three good qualities of any shake fresh,creamy and flavour full.Eating a few strawberries every day can improve heart health,lower blood pressure,reduce inflamation and even improve cognitive function.Strawberries contain the highest antioxidant which can help prevent eye degneration.

Preparation Time : 5 Minutes

Servings: 2


 6-8 fresh or cool ripe strawberries

1 cup milk

1 cup ice- cream ( Vanilla or Strawberry)

1 tsp sugar


Wash the strawberries, remove stems and cut into halves.

Add milk, ice- cream, halfed strawberries and sugar in a mixer jar.

Blend until smooth puree,pour it into serving glasses.

Garnish With Strawberries.

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