Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Cumin Seeds With Honey And Lemon Drink

Cumin Seeds with honey and lemon drink is a very excellent drink to be taken empty stomach in the morning. Its very healthy drink which can help us to cure many problems like a better digestion,prevent acidity,keeps hair healthy and ,improve level of metabolisem which help in loss weight.So lets go for this recipe and start your day with this drink and if this recipe is helpful to you share this recipe with your friends and family.

Prepration Time:5 Minutes

Cooking time:5 Minutes

Total Time: 10 Minutes


1 cup water                                          

1 tbsp cumin seeds

1 tbsp honey

Half tbsp lemon juice


In a sauce pan, add water and cumin seeds.

Bring the water to a boil.Put the flame on sim and allow the cumin seeds flavor to be absorbed into the water for about 5 minutes.

Switch off the flame and strain the jeera. Discard the jeera seeds and add the strained water into a glass.

Add honey and lemon juice and stir it well.

Consume it on an empty stomach in the morning.

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