Saturday, March 11, 2017


Cucumber and lemon drink๐Ÿน

This is another healthy weight loss drink recipe.It is very effective detox and weight loss recipe.It helps our body to detox and help to keep our body hydrate in summer flushing toxins from the body boost metabolism. Cucumber skin is the most nutritious part. They contain vitamin B1,B2,B3,B6,folic acid,Vitamin C, calcium,iron megnesium,phosphorus and zinc.The cucumber is also known to be a wrinkle and cellulite remover.

Prepration Time: 10 Minutes

Total Time: 10 Minutes


2 cucumber(medium sized)end trimmed but peel still on and coarsely chopped.

1/4 cup water as required.        

Half lemon juice.

1/4 tsp black pepper.

1/2 tsp cumin seeds.

Salt as per taste.


Blend 2 medium cucumber sliced into pieces.with roasted cumin powder,blackpepper,salt and lemon juice and grind till smooth paste.

Filter and transfer into glass and sprinkle some cumin powder,blackpepper. Serve with ice cubes.


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